
Introducing Kiwi Dials

Introducing Kiwi Dials


Introducing Kiwi Dials

Introducing Kiwi Dials

Kiwi Dials - a fun, free mobile way for teams to measure employee engagement

  • Anonymous
  • Continuous data displayed in real time
  • 25 balanced, comprehensive measurement dials that help individuals make sense of their work experience
  • Teams gain instant insight into how their own perception aligns with the rest of the team
  • Team members use Kiwi Dials for free for as long as they like
  • Organizations, with permission from the team, can pay for aggregated data and insights on a per seat basis


Measuring employee engagement counts now more than ever. Companies with the highest employee engagement outperform their competitors by 2 1/2 to 1 on an earnings per share basis, and, over 70% of the US workforce is disengaged. Because team engagement is highly correlated to success, companies can use the data from Kiwi Dials to identify projects that are at risk of future failure and intervene while there is still time to change the results. Measure what matters, continuously, before it's too late to change the results.


Kiwi Dials is Different

Kiwi Dials is Different

Kiwi Dials is Different

Kiwi Dials is Different

When you use Kiwi Dials, you're not just answering someone else's questions. You vote only on the things you care about and you get insight, right away. When you voice your opinion in Kiwi Dials it won't go into a management abyss where it's incorporated in a smooth controlled report released 6 months later. Every team member on Kiwi Dials, and any Observers you add, can see the team averages in real-time. While we keep your individual votes anonymous, you can compare your own voice to the team's sentiment.

User Testimonials

User Testimonials

User Testimonials

User Testimonials

Here's what users say about Kiwi Dials:

This is a really great tool!
— V.

That immediate feedback aspect is just fantastic... I can think of a dozen situations that I went through where this would have been awesome to have!
— L.

An interesting product that is sorely needed in the marketplace
— M.

This looks awesome! I’m a big fan of encouraging employee engagement.
— D.

Very user friendly.
— P.
People have really loved the app, feedback, and we are seeing improvements in behaviors even after a couple of weeks!
— P.

Kiwi dials is simple enough for grandma to use. Everything has a great balance.
— R.

I love it and the idea is stellar.
— D.

Been using the app for months now in beta and it’s making a huge difference in morale. Less surprises and better communication across the board.
— O.

I really like it!
— J.

Download Kiwi Dials

Download Kiwi Dials

Download Kiwi Dials

Download Kiwi Dials

Free for team members to use for as long as they like.

No trial periods that expire just when things are getting interesting, just free.